Thursday 20 July 2017

8 Juices To Remove Uric Acid From Body And Relieve Gout and Joint Pain

The high level of uric acid in the body is caused when the kidneys can't effectively remove it through urine. This happens because of two conditions, either when we consume foods more in uric acid content or when there is some problem in kidney function.

However, high uric acid level mostly occurs when we eat foods rich in proteins or uric acid. The excess uric acid is removed by the kidneys, but some of it
still remains in the body.

This uric acid in the blood gets accumulated in the body's joints, mostly in finger joints such as toes, ankle, knee, wrist, elbow. This condition is known
as gout.

Gout is a disorder that can occur throughout the body. It results from deposits of sodium urate crystals, which accumulate in joints because of high blood levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia).
In this condition, there is much pain, redness and inflammation of the area, where the uric acid gets accumulated.

The excess uric acid crystallizes over time and often form in cooler parts of the body, such as in joints like the ankle, knee, wrist and elbow. But it most
often affects the joints in the feet, especially at the base of the big toe. It rarely affects the joints of the spine, hips or shoulders.
Gout is most common among middle-aged men and can happen when we they don't have a control on our diet such as eating lots of meat, liver, onions, beans,
peas, mushrooms, etc, that are rich in purines.

Some other factors which cause high uric acid level in the body are drinking too much of alcohol, weight gain, diabetes and hypothyroidism.
Have a look at some of the best juices that help in the removal of uric acid from the body.

1: Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice removes excess uric acid from the body, as it contains an enzyme called bromelain. This juice relieves pain and inflammation of the joints caused by uric acid accumulation. The enzymes present in pineapples dissolve uric acid and remove it from the body through urine.

2: Carrot And Cucumber Juice

Make a juice of 2 carrots, 1 cucumber and 8 ribs of celery. Drink it in the morning to remove uric acid from your body. This is a very refreshing drink and will keep you hydrated during the day. Drink this for at least 15 to 20 days to remove all the uric acid from the body.

3: Ginger Juice

Grate a few slices of ginger and boil them. Let it cool and drink it. You can also mix it with a little honey to enhance its taste. This relieves pain and 
inflammation of the joints, where uric acid is accumulated.

4: Lemon juice

As for the lemon juice, we need not say a lot about it. It is a universal healer of all inflammation processes.
The health benefits of the lemon are due to its many nourishing and healing elements such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, niacin 
thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein.
The lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoids, which are composites that contain antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. It helps to prevent diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, fever, indigestion and many other problems, as well as improving the skin, hair, and teeth.
Studies conducted at the American Urological Association highlight the fact that lemonade or lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by 
forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals.
Since the lemon is also a diuretic, it can effectively treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins from the body.

5: Cherry Juice

Studies have shown that cherries are very effective in lowering uric acid levels. Make a juice of cherries and drink it twice daily to prevent pain and
inflammation due to uric acid.

6: Turmeric And Pineapple Drink

Make a juice of half-cut pineapple and add 2 teaspoons of powdered turmeric and 3 teaspoons of powdered ginger to it. Drink this juice daily at bedtime to get relief from pain and swelling due to uric acid.

7: Carrots, Beets, And Cucumber Juice

Make a juice of 1 small cucumber, 1 carrot and 1 beet. This vegetable smoothie will dissolve the uric acid crystals and help in their removal from the body.
Drink this juice once daily to get a good relief from pain as well.

8: Apple Juice

Apple juice neutralises the uric acid in the body, thus helping in relieving pain and inflammation. Apples also contain malic acid, which is effective in 
reducing the uric acid level in the body. Hence, you must eat one apple daily to get relief from the symptoms of gout.


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